
Non-woven geotextiles  

Geosynthetics for soil separation & filtration

Non-woven geotextiles separate soft subsoils and drain water

Non-woven geotextiles are geosynthetic materials widely used to separate, filtrate and protect soils. They are known for their high water permeability and often applied in the road and railway construction, hydro engineering, ground improvement, forestry and agriculture. These products are made of polypropylene or polyester fibres mechanically joined in the process of needle punching and thermal bonding. Non-woven geotextiles can also be made of 100% biodegradable fibres.

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René Veggerby Hansen
Michael Nonbo
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Features and Benefits

Optimal water permeability

Their high water permeability makes them perfect for filtration and drainage. They prevent soils from migrating into the adjacent material, such as drainage aggregate, while allowing water to flow through the system. 

Cost effective

They save labour and transportation costs as they are very light and easy to lay on-site. Needle-punched non-woven geotextiles can be thermally treated to improve mechanical properties and reduce the volume for better transportation efficiency. 

Robustness and flexibility

They have very good tear strength, so they are highly resistant to installation damage. High elasticity and adaptability to surface shape also makes them easy to fold and cut on the job-site.  


Non-woven geotextiles are great for filtration, separation, and drainage applications and even protection. They prevent soils from mixing while allowing water to flow, increase the soil strength and decrease the movement of soil particles due to erosion. 

Environmentally friendly

Geotextiles are light, thin and consume less resources for installation and transportation than gravel. They extract no dangerous substances to the surrounding environment, so they are toxin-free and eco-friendly. 

Easy to plan

Non-woven geotextiles require no professional engineering to plan. They can be widely used according to the typical NorGeoSpec (NGS) or Geotextile Robustness Class (GRK) requirements.

  • separating soft subsoils under roads and railways 

  • increasing structure stability 

  • separating layers between soils or fill layers with a different aggregate size 

  • riverbanks protection 

  • reservoirs construction 

  • vertical and horizontal geosynthetics drains 

  • drainage systems protection 

  • cracks preventing layer under concrete pavements 

  • geomembranes protection against installation damages when building landfills, tunnels and water reservoirs 

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